Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I send a resume?

We are currently not accepting resumes, employment is by recommendation only. We will announce via social media, our web site, and in the security related networks if we are seeking candidates.

Do you collect the email from post comments?

NO. That is setup to keep spammers from posting, we are not interested in collecting any email addresses, we read the comment for approval and that’s it. You will not get any emails from us unless you ask us a question, request a contact or information.

Where can you do Executive Protection?

We are based in Florida and are licensed to provide protective services here. We are also licensed to perform protective services in Texas through a partner agency.  We are able to travel to other US States and foreign countries as well. Some states require licensing & certification in their respective states but may allow a certain period of work from outside agencies.

Example: You are based in Florida and hire us to provide protective services while you travel around the US. Because the services started here in Florida most states will allow us to operate for short periods of time without being a licensed business in that state. In other words, if you are just passing through and not a permanently based operation it should be fine.

Note: If there may be an issue working in a state you will travel to we would contact a local company to assist us, using our vetted contacts.

Who are your clients?

Sorry, we do not discuss our clients. We will not put client names, pictures, or company names on our web site, or anywhere else for that matter. We believe in absolute confidentiality, and we think it is unprofessional to make that information public knowledge.

What kind of training do you do?

At present we have 2 courses listed and are in the process of developing more. If you have specific training needs give us a call, we would be happy to accommodate you. We will announce more courses as we finalize them.

Please refer to our “Training Courses” page for a listing of current classes.

I need an investigation done in another country, can you do it?

Depending on the country we may have a locally licensed and vetted contact. We even assisted another agency with surveillance photos in Kurdistan (Northern Iraq). Using our network of contacts keeps the cost down for clients, however if it is required we are available to travel and will advise you of that need for prior authorization.

What does it cost for an investigation?

A basic background investigation is billed at 1-hour, $50. Other investigative work (surveillance) is generally billed at $65 per hour+expenses however those rates will vary depending on the complexity and length. Give us a call to determine what your exact needs are, we do our best to keep the cost within your budget limits and many times it is not as costly as you might think.

I need an investigation done in another state, can you do it?

Generally yes. Laws vary from state to state with many allowing us to work for a certain period of time, some require that the investigation starts in Florida. If we are not legally able to work in that state we will contact one of our reputable local sources that is licensed for that state. Here is a link to the Virginia Reciprocity Agreement as an example.

Will you do media interviews?

Maybe. Contact us with your request to discuss it.

What do you charge for Training courses?

Training course pricing will be listed on the specific course page. Corporate clients please call us to discuss your needs.

What type of investigations do you do?

Most investigative work is insurance fraud related as it is a big problem these days. We can do other investigations such as infidelity, asset searches, missing persons, welfare checks, and undercover workplace investigations.

What does it cost for Executive Protection services?

Executive protection costs will vary depending on client needs, threat level, requirements, short or long term. We bill at industry standard rates for experienced personnel. Please call us to discuss your needs, even if you do not hire us your information will be kept confidential.

What type of events do you provide security for?

We can provide professional security services to private parties, corporate events, political functions, book signings, or any other event with a restricted guest list. Our staff will come to your event dressed appropriately whether is is a black tie party or casual. We do not work events where a uniformed security guard would normally be needed such as beer tents, carnivals, fairs, or other similar functions.

NOTE: Any events taking place on school grounds requiring armed personnel will require a written authorization from that institution.

Where do you do your training?

Depending on the type of training we can do it locally here in Florida, or we can travel to your corporate location.